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Hi Readers,

I'm Kira

I write romance with a little murder (or a lot).
My current love are the paranormal worlds living in my head rent free. I've always loved the spook and gore but I'll make sure you're cozy for the ride. 
I love to push limits and won't be told I can't do something. 

I live in my head-- the outside world can be a scary place but we're not much for hiding under rocks. I'm happy you're here to read my unhinged thoughts.

P.S. If you're in the top 0.01% of Twizzler lovers-- you've found your safe space with me. 

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Hi Readers,

I'm Kira

I'm a Florida native living abroad with my husband. Together, we parent 4 children-- 2 of which have paws. 

We are big homebodies but always take the opportunity to travel-- eating our way through wherever we go. 

A few of my favorite things:
  • Video Games
  • Vampires
  • Snuggling on the couch bingeing a show I've watched 100x
  • Sour Candy

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Novella Duet

A.D. #2





Kira Bates




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